Edlio school website CMS celebrates teachers!

May 7th, 2018
At Edlio, we spend a lot of time thinking about school website CMSs, and also about how to improve the lives of teachers and school administrators. So, when we heard about teacher appreciation week, we couldn’t resist sharing stories of our favorite teachers from our own school careers. To all of the teachers that are reading this: we appreciate everything you do for kids, today, tomorrow, and the other 51 weeks of the year!

Team member: Emily

Ms. Mikrut, High School Math

“Ms. Mikrut took no nonsense from any of us. She was passionate about math and really believed we could succeed with hard work. Calculus really did rely on us learning formulas, committing them to memory, in order to build on them for the next level. My high school was tough all around - but she scared me enough to make sure AP Calc homework was done first every night! When we all did great on the AP test, she did finally soften up and told us how proud she was of all of us. I still remember her when I come up against a huge challenge - her confidence and complete focus are still what I strive for today.”


Team member: Anni

Ms. Bretz, 9th Grade English

She was funny, fearless and one of the most unique teachers I had. I remember walking in on the first day of school and seeing her desk covered in Elvis memorabilia!


Team member: Heather

Mrs. Tom, 3rd Grade

Mrs. Tom from Ivanhoe Elementary is my favorite teacher. I started at Ivanhoe in the 3rd grade, but I enrolled a few days late. All the kids already knew each other from K-2 so I felt a bit left out and was timid (me timid, shocking, I know). She was so sweet to me and helped me feel comfortable and I learned a whole bunch. Thanks Mrs. Tom. I will never forget you. I have many educators in my family and feel so thankful for the teachers that have been in my life. The world would not function without you.


Team member: Yvonne

John Eben Whiting, High School English and Drama 

My favorite teacher is easily John Eben Whiting who taught English and Drama at West High School in Salt Lake City in the early nineties. He was kind, funny, honest, brilliant and larger than life. He was a progressive thinker who always challenged his students to think beyond their own limited experiences.

After high school, we kept in touch a bit. My freshman year at college he wrote a beautiful letter of encouragement that filled me with profound inspiration and confidence. In part it read, "I am very proud of you Yvonne, you really have matured in so many ways. You appreciate education, you know its value. Those other students with large silver spoons in their mouths will never have an education like yours. You will make a difference. You see, you know yourself more. They are playing a game of chance: walking in the shadows of their parents' dreams. You are independent, creative and have a beautiful balance." I've kept that letter all these years because it meant so much to me to have an adult say I was special and capable of doing great things. I can only hope every student has a teacher that impacts their lives like Mr. Whiting did mine.