Future Prep for Students Part 2: Junior Year and Websites for Schools

August 14, 2018

By: Raven Lawson

Navigating the college process is a big step that all high school students will eventually have to take, and it can be very daunting. Junior year is an important year in which students should begin their college search and start preparing for senior year. There are many factors that come into play when searching for schools such as location, areas of study, and cost, and exploring the hundreds of colleges in the country and across the world can be tiring. Here are some ways that websites for schools can help their juniors better navigate the college process.

College Fairs

College fairs are a great way for students to meet with college representatives from all over. They provide students with access to basic information about each school’s courses and financial aid, while also giving them insight into the student life on campus.  Websites for schools can be used to post information about upcoming college fairs around the city. Schools can also organize their own college fairs on campus, that way students still have the opportunity to meet with college representatives, even if they cannot attend other fairs. College fairs bring together different schools from across the city or country, which allows students to explore their vast amount of options for higher education all in one location.  College fairs are important for juniors to take advantage of because they can start considering what schools are out there, and where they might want to go.

College Planning Resources for Juniors


Another way that websites for schools can help their students with the college navigation process is through the use of online college resources. Resources such as Big Future which is offered through the College Board website allow students to search through thousands of schools depending on their preferences. Big Future also helps students create a timeline for when they should do things such as take their standardized tests or go on college visits. Another online resource called Naviance also includes a resume feature where students can begin inputting their academic history, extracurriculars, and job experience for future use on college applications. Websites for schools can provide the links to both of these online resources to help students with discovering what colleges might be the best fit for them.


College counselors are very helpful for students when navigating the college process. They provide students with specific information about applying to college as well as knowledge on the different types of colleges. Schools can use their websites to help students and college counselors schedule meetings. A scheduling feature would allow counselors to maximize and organize their time, and students would be able to prepare for those meetings ahead of time. Since college counselors work at the school, students will have easier access to individuals who have knowledge and can assist them with navigating the college process.  Juniors can meet with their college counselors during the second semester so that they can have a personal meeting about their college goals and get guidance on what they need to do before senior year begins.

Test Preparation

All colleges require students to take either the SAT or the ACT, so it would benefit the students if schools offered test preparation classes.  These classes could be offered on campus after school or online. I think that it is important for schools to provide test prep because classes offered by other companies are often very expensive, so students do not take them. Offering test preparation classes during junior year allows students to take the test and practice before their senior year begins, so that they can focus on college applications instead.  

Importance of College Navigation

A large part of preparing for the future is exploring options for college. Websites for schools can offer resources and events that help students gain a better understanding of college and make them feel more secure as they prepare to apply for college. It is important the schools are not only providing their students with the academic knowledge to thrive in college, but are also providing them with the practical information they need to get into college.  Schools should take the time to begin preparing their students during their junior year, that way they can feel confident about the knowledge they have when entering senior year.


My name is Raven Lawson, and I am a seventeen year old high school senior at Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies (LACES).  I am a writer and designer for my school’s Yearbook and I am one of the Presidents of our Black Student Union. Through my school’s college counselor I learned about a summer internship opportunity.  I applied in early February, and had the fortune of being selected as one of eighty-seven interns. I then joined the team here at Edlio as a marketing intern. After highschool, I plan to pursue a career in journalism or communications, and I am looking forward to utilizing the skills I learn at Edlio in the future.